Friday, 31 March 2017

Friday Post March 31 Photoshop Timeline

How to animate: 

1.Click the Window to pull up the menu.

2.Select Timeline to start your animation.  Press create a Timeline                                                                                              
3.If you did it correctly it will look like this.

4. Click the arrow to get the menu.
5.Click the Opacity stop watch to begin animating.
6. After clicking, a diamond will appear.              

7. Drag the blue arrow to the middle and click the diamond.

8. Change the Opacity to 25% or lower that mean your shadow will disappear.

9.Finally drag the arrow to the end and put a diamond there.

10. Change the number back too 100% like the first diamond. Press 
play to watch your animation.

If you did it correctly, it should look like this.                                

Friday, 3 March 2017

Friday Post March 3, 2017

Origin Of JavaScript 

     JavaScript was created on May 1995 by Brendan Eich. Brendan started work at Netscape on many project like JavaScript and Mozilla. He is also a CEO of Brave Software .

     JavaScript wasn't the first name they came up with. The original was actual called Mocha, a name chosen by Marc Andreesen , a founder of Netscape. Somewhere in September 1995 the name was change to Live Script, then in December of the same year it was now called JavaScript.